Do you ever feel that you are being taken advantage of? Are certain people constantly asking for your time, borrowing money, or relying on you for things that they could do themselves. Where do you draw the line between being nice and being trampled on? How do you say “no” and still be nice?
How to CREATE a Happy Relationship
These six keys can help you CREATE a happy relationship. They are simple, but not always easy. The fact is, happy relationships take some work. But they’re also worth every bit of effort. Start doing these things yourself and you’ll often see amazing changes in your partner as well. Follow these ideas, and I guarantee your marriage relationship will improve and prosper.
Cultivate Charisma
People with charisma have amazing influence over others. They pass through life inspiring greatness, uplifting spirits, and planting seeds of excellence. They are a valuable part of any team and command higher salaries. The truth is, whether you are in management or not, you need to cultivate charisma. It will help you at work, in your family, and your social life.
What makes a Mom great?
To that great mom and all the moms reading this—Happy Mother’s Day!!
The Vanishing Art of Casual Conversation
Make it a point to develop the art of casual conversation. You’ll begin to enjoy social situations, expand your business opportunities at networking events, and improve your personal charisma.
Be a Good Finder
It is important when working with others to concentrate on their strengths not their weaknesses.
Parenting: Balancing work and children
If you don’t make time for your family no one else will. Being a member of a family is one of the highest callings in life. Honor your family and honor yourself.
Raising Positive Kids
Tips to help you raise positive kids in a negative world.
The Best Valentine is a Better Relationship
Today, you will likely buy chocolates, flowers, cards, or jewelry for a significant person in your life. For some, it is a heart-felt gift of love.
Listen Up
Conversations that are based on solid listening skills not only result in more effective communication, they foster trust, improve relationships and are more likely to be followed up with action. Here are 5 tips to improve your listening skills.
Build a Relationship of Trust
Communication is critical to our success in every area of life. We often think of communicating simply as transferring information. But, it is so much more. Communication is also a transfer of feelings and emotion–a meeting of two souls. This is why two people can say the same sentence to you and have it mean two entirely different things. More than the words, what really transfers meaning is the nature of the relationship and the level of trust in that relationship.
The Power of Appreciation
“Thank you.”
“Great job!”
“Where did you learn to do that so well?”
“You’re #1 this week.”
“I really appreciate the extra effort you put into that.”
“High fives!!”
Love is a Decision, Not a Feeling
Love is not a feeling, love is a decision you make and continue to make in order to create an experience that is described as love. Love is an action that if you don’t use it you lose it. Love is like any communication, if you never send it out, you won’t get a return. Love is something you give to others not something you feel because something happens to you.
Positive Communication in Relationships
Positive relationships can mean the difference between success or failure in our business, family and personal life. And, communication is the key to these relationships. The more effectively we communicate with others, the more satisfying and successful our relationships will be. Here are 10 steps that can help you right now.
Coaching in Business
Managers at all levels in organizations should act as coaches. Isn’t this the business equivalent of saying that politicians should act as statesmen? Coaching is a process where individuals (managers, team leaders or colleagues) provide employees with steady, constructive feedback and suggestions to help them improve their performance and attain their personal goals.
Beware of Those That Criticize Management
There was once a young man who was gifted with the ability to speak, persuade and move people. Rather than using his gifts to improve conditions around him he used his gifts to criticize what others had done or not done.