Years ago as a teenager, I learned a lesson about doing my best. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. Take advantage of every available resource for outside learning, encouragement, and help.
Mind Development
Invest in You!
What is the best investment you can make? It’s not an investment in stocks or bonds or gold. It’s an investment in you. Don’t wait to get started. The life you dream about is waiting for you to take action now. Self-improvement training not only pays financial dividends, it can help to improve your relationships, boost your confidence, reduce fear, hone your skills, and increase your health and happiness.
Focus Your Thinking
The human mind is an amazing thing. Yet, just like a sophisticated computer or a powerful machine, you must learn how it works to take full advantage of its potential. The trick is to decide what will get your attention and then keep focused on what is important.
Think About Breathing
There is immense value in taking a few minutes a day to just be alive and pay attention. It fosters clarity, perspective, and awareness. A great way to do this is to stop whatever you’re doing and focus on your breathing. Every day, take a few minutes to just focus on your breathing. Be totally aware and alive in this moment. Suddenly, the cares of the day will be swept away and you will wake up and notice your surroundings. Make this a daily habit for greater clarity, perspective, and confidence in your life.
Continuing Education
We are living in the most competitive age the world has ever known. Each of us needs to constantly study and improve in order to boost our productivity and to keep up with changing trends and technology. What are you doing to continue to improve your own mind and skills? Education is a shortcut to proficiency. Through it, you can bypass the mistakes of hundreds of generations, helping you to advance and excel. It can elevate your attitude as well as sharpen your skills.
The Principle of Planned Auto-Response
Automate your success by putting your brain to work with the principle of planned auto-response. Repeated actions, practiced over and over, create neuro-pathways in the brain, nerves and muscles. Over time these neuro-pathways become stronger and virtually bypass your conscious mind. Thus trained, the body reacts promptly on cue, with perfect accuracy and poise, and without any conscious thought at all.
Keep on Learning
The difference between those who are educated and those who aren’t is not so much about their level of formal education. Truly educated people continue to learn every day. If you want to reach your full potential, keep on learning!
Science of Mind Control
Mind Control expert and founder of the Silva Method, Jose Silva, clarifies and defines such concepts as meditation, concentration, problem solving, receiving guidance, and learning to prosper.
Prosperity on a Spiritual Foundation
Mind Control expert and founder of the Silva Method, Jose Silva, clarifies and defines such concepts as meditation, concentration, problem solving, receiving guidance, and learning to prosper.
Are You Smart Enough?
When you feel intellectually inferior, as we all do at times, change your focus to how you choose to apply and use your natural intelligence. Do you read and study, or do you waste time on mind numbing activities. Do you create or do you tear down? Do you take positive action, or do you over-analyze and thus paralyze your progress?
Learn to Translate
The ability to translate is the most important skill you can develop in yourself, and teach to others, to facilitate personal development. Without it, you can read every book self improvement book, listen to hundreds of business CDs or watch each and every personal development seminar on DVD–and still get nothing out of it.
How Audio Learning Can Change Your Life
As a sales trainer and motivational coach for over 20 years I have given away dozens of self-improvement and motivational books.
Stimulate Your Mind
When saturated with fresh ideas and stimulated by mental exercise, our minds become sharp and alert; we are able to more effectively analyze situations and invent solutions; our creativity soars; we are more interesting companions; our productivity improves; and, like my tree, we are able to thrive in spite of the challenges of life.
Knowledge is Power
Information is all around us just waiting to be discovered and utilized. And the more knowledge you have, the more you can put this information to work.
Stay on the Road
Traveling with my family to a remote ranch near Zions National Park in Southern Utah, I spied this unusual sign marking a narrow dirt road which jutted off the main road. It said “End of the Road”.
Weekly Motivation
I love the classic story told by Zig Ziglar. Before conducting a motivational seminar, he was asked by a reporter, “you’re going to get everyone motivated?” “Yes, I’ll certainly try” Zig replied.
How To Generate Original Creative Ideas On Any Subject
Random Word Stimulation is a powerful technique that provides a practical method of accessing your subconscious mind and utilize the wealth of information it contains to generate fresh new original ideas.
The Arithmetic of Positive Belief
When we have a positive belief that something CAN be achieved, we unleash all of our creative ability and energy towards discovering solutions to make it happen. If setbacks, challenges or discouragement come our way, as they always do, our positive belief keeps us on track and encourages us to put forth maximum effort. It is those who keep going, who keep trying, who dream and create and work and believe, who eventually achieve
Getting Rid of Mental Clutter
Find out how to organize information that is in your head and get rid of mental clutter.
How To Do Automatic Writing
Even the greatest creative minds experience blocks at one time or another. Here is a simple yet powerful method to get those creative juices flowing once more.
Crazy, man!
What are the boundaries that encase our thoughts, and who made them? If you catch yourself squelching a random “crazy” thought, just turn it right around and ask “yes, but IS it nuts??” And then give yourself the freedom to explore!
Two Stumps
The stumps were dead. Chopped down long ago, burned to the ground. They are dead, right?…
Visualization and Imagination
A lecture on visualization and imagination using both left brain and right brain techniques. Jose Silva is recognized as the leading researcher in the world in the field of the mind and human potential.
Stop The Stress In Five Minutes Or Less
Did you know that in 5 minutes or less, stress can be stopped in it’s tracks? It’s almost instantaneous with this exercise. Terri Stallcop is a Christian author writing most of her work online.
“SEEING” The Hidden Inner World of Talking
Being aware of ongoing external sensory input is essential to survival. Yet, external information only constitutes half of our sensory world. The other half we create in our minds, and its importance cannot be overstated. Begin to notice how you create images in your mind as you talk with anyone under any circumstances. It’s like air, it’s always there but we’re oblivious to it.
Building an Internal Map of Experience
Trying to sort out and label the contents of one’s consciousness can be extremely confusing. Equally difficult is trying to assess one’s mood. Am I depressed, angry, anxious, sad or a combination of these feelings? Do I feel good today, or just not bad? What events in my life currently are effecting my feelings, if any? These are questions that everyone asks himself or herself periodically.
One Habit That Can Double Your Effectiveness
What would you need in order to double your effectiveness? More time? More education? Better planning of your day?
It’s Never Too Late to Harness the Power of Self-Improvement
Self-improvement is any activity that stretches and engages your mind, improves your attitude, enhances your skills, or motivates you to action.
Wisdom: Learning How to Live Smart
Wisdom is learning how to “live smart”, and it will always be just that! And since the issues which we have to deal with don’t change – growing, relating, emoting, working, parenting, etc. – how to successfully deal with all of these facets of our lives also remains constant.
Weight Management – Part Two
Changing your lifestyle patterns is tantamount to changing your religion. There is not a single stitch in the fabric of your life that will not be effected by losing a significant amount of weight. The way you think and feel about yourself, the way others respond to you and the choices that are available to you are now all different. Therefore, developing the skills to cope with all of this is no easy matter. You need to think about these issues on this level in order to succeed.