Have you ever had a time in your life when you just couldn’t get motivated? You knew what you wanted to do, you had the desire, but you just couldn’t get motivated to take the first step. When your get-up-and-go has gone and you find it difficult to get motivated to take action, consider this — you may be going about it all wrong.
The Masterpiece – Inspirational Video
Every once in a while, something comes along that truly inspires and motivates. Today, we’d like to share one with you, absolutely free. This 4-minute video captures the essence of positive expectation and accomplishment. It takes up to 30 seconds to load — but it is definitely worth the wait. Why not take 5 minutes right now, sit back, relax, turn up your volume and enjoy… The Masterpiece.
The Refining Process
Just as a river smooths and refines jagged rocks into smooth stones, our challenges and life struggles act like sand paper, smoothing our weaknesses, honing our skills, and polishing our personality until we are transformed into something better than we could ever have become on our own.
Say Yes to Life
This past week I was reminded of one of the most important lessons in all of life; in order to live life you have to say yes to life!
Learn to Be Calm
As our society becomes more and more turbulent, we need to take time to be calm, to be quiet, to cultivate peace. You can learn to be calm by cultivating personal solitude and peace in a troubled world.
Go Green!
What are your core beliefs and values? Are they hidden under the cacoon of your daily grind?
Coming Home
Examine each of the beliefs that you espouse on a regular basis. Ask yourself if it is your true belief or if you are simply nodding without thought. Eventually you will discover beauty of being at peace with your beliefs.
Do Something Spectacular!
His teachers said he was “too stupid to learn anything.” and was fired from his first two jobs for being “non-productive.” Thomas Edison’s 1000 inventions came during the Panic of 1873 — 6 years — and the Long Depression — 23 years.
The Heart of a Champion
What makes someone excel in their profession? It can’t always be measured in conventional ways. Sometimes it is our desire that makes us great.
Love is a Decision, Not a Feeling
Love is not a feeling, love is a decision you make and continue to make in order to create an experience that is described as love. Love is an action that if you don’t use it you lose it. Love is like any communication, if you never send it out, you won’t get a return. Love is something you give to others not something you feel because something happens to you.
Constant Amid Change
It seems that change is all around us. Business approaches, technology, social trends, fashions — all change regularly. These changes are occurring at an ever increasing rate. Many of them are positive advancements: needed to compete in a global economy. But, change is not always progress. There are some things that should remain constant.
The Power of Concentration
One of the great skills of successful people is their ability to concentrate.
Finding Your Purpose In Life
Whether you strive to be the next Michelangelo, Bill Gates, or teacher of the year, you can achieve it if you believe it. All it takes is desire, vision, faith, action. And a whole lot of guts. Excerpt from the Introduction of “Finding Your Purpose In Life (Practical Advice From The Trenches)”
Remembering Your Successes Can Boost Self-Confidence
Think of something amazing that you have done. Perhaps you built a successful business or created a work of art
Renewal and New Beginnings
As the dead of winter gives way to the renewed life of spring, nature begins a new season of growth and prosperity. If you have experienced disappointments and heartache in your life, just remember that you too can begin again, the past is over and done with, you can make a fresh start and become a new creature — the one you were meant to be.
Gratitude: A Key to Success and Happiness
Learn to foster the attitude of gratitude with the amazing story of Helen Keller. Although it often seems that other’s have it easy compared with our own problems, the truth is that everyone on this planet will have challenges, heartbreaks, and obstacles at one time or another. You can regain hope and confidence by garnishing your daily thoughts with thanksgiving and gratitude for what you have.
Zest for Life
On April 26, 2003, a lone hiker became trapped in the rugged mountains of Southern Utah. Trapped under a bolder for 5 days and facing death, Aaron Ralston of Aspen Colorado was willing to cut off his own arm so that he could continue living. Do you have that same passion for your own life?
Say “I Do” to Growth and Improvement
Any good marriage should be held together by the warm, powerful, attraction that binds a man and a woman who are growing and improving as individuals.