There is immense value in taking a few minutes a day to just be alive and pay attention. It fosters clarity, perspective, and awareness. A great way to do this is to stop whatever you’re doing and focus on your breathing. Every day, take a few minutes to just focus on your breathing. Be totally aware and alive in this moment. Suddenly, the cares of the day will be swept away and you will wake up and notice your surroundings. Make this a daily habit for greater clarity, perspective, and confidence in your life.
Health and Weight Loss
Get Off the Energy Roller Coaster
It’s 3:00 in the afternoon, and you’re beginning to feel drowsy. Your mind is not as sharp as usual. Your head droops as you listen in on that conference call or read that report. So, you reach for a candy bar or cup of coffee to try to get you through the day. STOP!
Stress Relief: How to Let Off Steam without Getting Burned
If enough heat is applied to water, it expands and becomes steam. In a closed container, the resulting steam builds up a great deal of pressure or force—enough force to power a locomotive or generate electricity.
Walking or Jogging for Health
Your vocabulary can help you be successful in your weight loss and fitness goals – pay attention to what you say!
How to Enjoy the Holidays AND Stay Thin
It is a time dotted with family parties, community traditions, celebrations in the work place, and lots of food. It is a fun, festive time of year. But, it can also be a perilous time for those who are trying to watch their weight. Research shows that people actually accumulate a large proportion of their yearly weight gain over the winter holiday season. It’s clear that we need pay attention to this issue. But, can we still enjoy the holidays while watching our weight? Here are simple 8 tips that will help you to safely navigate the holidays while maintaining a healthy weight.
Learn to Be Calm
As our society becomes more and more turbulent, we need to take time to be calm, to be quiet, to cultivate peace. You can learn to be calm by cultivating personal solitude and peace in a troubled world.
Feed Me!
How ironic that in this age of unprecedented information about diet and nutrition, our popular diet is worse than ever! We are a society that is constantly eating, yet slowly starving to death. Our bodies, after all, are complex machines that cannot run efficiently without the right fuel. They crave nutrition. Too often we “fill up” our bodies without really “feeding” them. Many have excuses for not eating as they should. Here are the top 4 myths about healthy eating:
Some Thoughts on Weight Management
I’m going to provide a point of view that may allow some individuals to view their weight loss experience through a different lens. I’ll do this in two parts. The first part focuses on problem eating, the second on the critical differences between losing weight and managing that weight loss. Weight loss and weight loss management are two totally different psychological states even though, ironically, the behaviors needed to succeed at both are identical. And the difference between the two is where the action is.
Get Moving!
Oprah Winfrey tells of her struggle with weight and her commitment to get on a regular exercise program. Learn five easy steps to help you get moving and keep moving.
Practice Persistence
The question is not whether we will be knocked down, pushed aside, or treated unfairly — that happens to all of us, it’s life. The question is whether or not we will have the courage to get up and fight on. The old saying is still true “the race is not always to the swift . . . but to those who keep on trying.”