Our world is starving for something of which you have a potentially unlimited supply. You can get it by simply deciding to have it. You can give it away freely to thousands of people and still have plenty to give yourself. In fact, the more you give away, the more you will be surrounded with it. This illusive, yet potentially unlimited substance is simply “an encouraging word.”
Be a Leader, Not a Boss
What is the difference between a leader and a boss? It boils down to the person’s attitude. Whether you are the company president or working in the mail room, adopt the attitudes of mutual respect, teamwork, and commitment to the company vision. As you do, you will become a true leader.
Make Weak Areas Strong
We all have areas where we are weak. Take a lesson from Bill Porter and work on it until your formerly weak areas become your greatest strengths. Pick a weakness, work on it, study, practice, step outside your comfort zone, enlist the help of others, and rise to a new level.
Has Civil Society Come to an End?
While it’s true that civility is decreasing, while violence and degeneracy are increasing, we have by no means lost our society. Yet. Let us choose to promote positive virtues in your personal actions and to focus on the good in others. It will improve your attitude, your happiness, and ultimately improve our world.
Are You In the Garage?
Sometimes life hands us difficult challenges. There are times when we are figuratively in a cold, dark, lonely place–like my garage. As unpleasant as these times are, they are necessary for us to learn and grow and bloom into the person we are meant to become. The truth is, everyone has their times in the garage as well as their moments to bloom in the sunshine.
Rise Above the Clouds
We sometimes allow the problems and stresses of life to cloud around us, blocking our vision and depressing our spirits. When this happens, our outlook can seem hopeless. We need to realize that hope and sunshine are just above the haze. We can Rise Above the Clouds, overcoming despair with a new perspective.
How to Keep Your Head in Times of Crisis
We have more things to worry about today than ever before? Few of us can do anything to change the economy or the weather. So, why do we spend so much time and energy fretting about them? Whether you are worried about global challenges, or dealing with personal and family challenges that come to all of us, here are 5 steps to help you remain calm in times of crisis.
Give Yourself a Second Chance
As much as we strive for perfection, we all fall short. The truth is that making mistakes is the very way that we learn and grow. We strive, we fall down, we get up again
Choose to Be Happy Anyway
Has something happened to you that wasn’t your fault? Is there some unfairness in your situation in life? Take a lesson from Jason and just “let it go.” Choose to be happy anyway. Choose to be grateful for what your challenges have taught you. Choose the abundant life.
Turning Tragedy into Triumph
Be encouraged to take what others might see as a defeat and turn it into a positive.
Golf or Garage?
Attitude makes a difference in your energy level.
Be a Good Finder
It is important when working with others to concentrate on their strengths not their weaknesses.
Give Yourself a Pep-Talk
When we are discouraged and down, nothing helps more than a pep talk from someone you love and respect.
Persistence Really Does Pay
The story of Alex Hailey and how he wrote the book “Roots”.
What is Your Excuse, Today?
My son and I are going on a backpacking trip with his scout troop. Yesterday, a backpacking expert came and spoke to our troop and their parents about how to prepare for this trip.
Be a Modern Hero
We truly live in amazing times but there’s a lot of bad news going around. The mistake people make is assuming that what is on the news is all the news there is. Not true. There are plenty of amazing, wonderful, positive things going on if we’ll just watch for them. True heroes refuse to be simply swept along with the tide of pessimism. Instead, they see opportunities, bolster hope, and provide vision.
Something To Think About
The importance of controlling the outside influences and being cautious about what we allow to go into our mind.
Word Meaning Does Change
The meaning of words can change over time. A look at 2 words that have changed.
Just Be
With all of the things you are expected to be, it’s a good idea to set them aside once in a while to just be–just celebrate the fact that you exist and have infinite worth.
Perk Up Your Mind
After 10 years, our message to Perk Up Your Mind is more relevant and critical than ever before. Boosting your attitude is not easy. It takes work. But, it can completely change your life. Here are 5 sure-fire steps to perk up your mind and your life.
Raising Positive Kids
Tips to help you raise positive kids in a negative world.
Are You Smart Enough?
When you feel intellectually inferior, as we all do at times, change your focus to how you choose to apply and use your natural intelligence. Do you read and study, or do you waste time on mind numbing activities. Do you create or do you tear down? Do you take positive action, or do you over-analyze and thus paralyze your progress?
How to Get Out of a Slump
We all have times when our effectiveness increases and times when it fades This happens in every area of life, including sports, the arts, family or spiritual life, and in business.
Stress Relief: How to Let Off Steam without Getting Burned
If enough heat is applied to water, it expands and becomes steam. In a closed container, the resulting steam builds up a great deal of pressure or force—enough force to power a locomotive or generate electricity.
The Window of Opportunity
Seize the opportunities when they come. To do that with success you must prepare before the opportunity presents itself.
Looking for Greener Grass?
When things get difficult, we tend to look at other people or other companies and assume that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. When viewed from a distance, their opportunities often look richer, their problems seem fewer, and success looks easier. The temptation is to run here and there looking for better, easier opportunities. We sometimes wistfully look at other companies or industries and wish things were that easy for us. But, it is often an illusion.
Attitude: The Gold In Your Bank
What’s the most important factor in your success? Well, no, it’s not money, or luck, or talent. Find out why Attitude comes to exactly 100% of your success.
Thoughts are Things
Thoughts are the building blocks of our actions. Just like a well-prepared blueprint is critical to constructing a safe, efficient and beautiful building, so our thoughts become the plan for our actions in building a life.
Blind, deaf, and for many years speechless, Helen Keller said:
“Recently I asked a friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods what she had observed.
Like Water Off a Duck’s Back
You can learn a lot about life by watching ducks. One summer afternoon, years ago, we took our young children to the park to feed the ducks.