Roger Mellott has shown thousands of people how to increase their personal productivity and thrive on the challenges of professional life.
A sought-after trainer to organizations across the country, Roger earned enthusiastic reviews for his straightforward message, his energetic delivery and his results-oriented techniques. Roger had a master’s degree in health and education and conducted a private therapy practice. He dedicated over 20 years to stress management research. He traveled the globe educating professionals how to manage stress and thrive under pressure.
Roger worked for many years at NASA as their stress management expert— working with professionals and astronauts to manage the overwhelming pressure of their careers.
Roger Mellott compressed his 20-plus years of experience as a sought after teacher, coach, presenter and stress management guru into his training programs. The strategies he teaches are proven to help alleviate everyday stress caused by the combined demands of a busy work schedule and full home life. Once you put Roger’s tactics to work, you’ll experience immediate relief. You’ll get more done, without feeling pressured or pulled in a million directions. And you’ll have more time and energy to do the things you really enjoy.
Roger Mellott passed away peacefully in his sleep while working at a NASA facility in 2006. His life and message profoundly impacted all who worked with and learned from him.