Do you remember dreaming as a child about what your future would be like? Did you have big plans in high school or college to accomplish something truly great in your life? At various points in my youth, I wanted to be an architect and design the world’s tallest building, write a best-selling book, discover a cure for cancer, and paint a masterpiece that would hang in the Louvre. My dreams were unfettered by reality. I was filled with the idealism of youth. Then life happened.
Bills had to be paid every month. My family was depending on me to put food on the table. Employment demanded my time and attention. And some of my dreams were put on hold. Hasn’t this happened to all of us to some degree? Idealistic goals evolve into more practical, realistic pursuits. Unfortunately, once put on hold, our dreams are seldom revived and acted upon—even when the time and resources become available. When this happens, we lose a bit of our passion for life.
What we don’t realize is that, even though we may not be able to devote full time to our dreams, we can still work on them. Some of the most well known inventions, books, and companies in the world started out as a part-time project in a garage or basement. The first personal computer was built part time in a garage over a 6 month period by college dropouts Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, who later founded Apple. The immensely successful Harry Potter series was written by a single mother who struggled to keep food on the table and wrote in those rare moments when her baby was sleeping. Philo Farnsworth studied electronics in his spare time and produced numerous drawings and a prototype at home before eventually inventing television.
What have YOU put on hold? Is there something that you could be working on right now, that would add fulfillment, purpose, and passion to your life? If so, I challenge you to start today and do something about it. I’m not suggesting that you should neglect your responsibilities of family, employment or other commitments. I’m just saying that you should free up a little time in your schedule and start working today on something you are passionate about, something you’ve always wanted to do. Do it a little at a time. You don’t have to be retired to start writing the book, study science or art, learn to play the guitar, or any other worthwhile pursuit that you are excited about. Don’t be afraid that you won’t be good enough; don’t put it off any longer, just start.
Success Tip: Add enthusiasm to your life by pursuing your passion. Start now by setting aside a little time on a regular basis to work on your dreams.
I think we all have things we have put off long enough. I’m going to turn off the TV and begin learning to paint today.