What would you need in order to double your effectiveness? More time? More education? Better planning of your day? Some quiet time to meditate or pray? Business skills training? You can have all of that, and more by adding one simple habit to your day. Here it is: turn off the car radio. That’s it, simple.
Statistics show that the average American spends 500 to 1000 hours per year in the car traveling from place to place. A full-time college student spends less time in the classroom in a year! Just think what you could learn if you put that time to more effective use. Your car can become a phenomenal school, a business seminar, a meditation room, a personal planning sanctuary, and a most efficient class room.
What if you selected some self-improvement or business training CDs to listen to in your car? You could improve your management skills, build a better vocabulary, learn ways to improve your relationships, think more positively, invest money, start a new business, learn a foreign language — all this without adding any time to your already busy schedule. There are so many positive, educational, and entertaining things to listen to that we believe you should never get in your car, go for a walk, exercise, or even sit down to the computer, without having access to quality audio learning programs.
Turn off the car radio. It could just change your life.
Good point! Between bad news and irritating talk show hosts, I always get angry or frustrated listening to the radio. With audio CDs, I get to choose what I’m focusing on.
There’s nothing good on the radio anyway!