The story is told about three frogs sitting on a lily pad. Two decided to jump off. How many were left?
The answer is three! You see, the two frogs simply decided to jump, they didn’t actually do it.
Aren’t we sometimes the same? Do we think about making changes, talk about it, dream about it — but never actually do it?
I’ll bet you know of something right now that, if you began doing it regularly, would make a huge difference in your life. I challenge you to begin now and start. Just do it. As David Schwartz succinctly put it: “The only way to start — is to start!”
Jaydev Ashra says
Quite nice thought! I have recently started one thing, which I had been thinking for 2-3 months. Feeling very fine that I have started!
Carmen Turner says
I love this Bill! I printed it out and am keeping it on my desk. Eveytime I look at it it’s going to remind me to JUST DO IT!!