A wise man once quipped:
For many of us, procrastination has become a habit, a way of life that is difficult to change. Like other habits, we are often so close to it that we don’t see how it negatively affects our lives. Just like the addict, who says, “I can quit anytime,” we don’t see that this disease is quietly sucking away our productivity. We are in denial.
Not you? OK, ask yourself this question: “how many tasks on my list this week, were also on my list last week?” If you answered “a lot,” I recommend that you take a hard look at whether procrastination is affecting your life.
How can you overcome procrastination? Get in the habit of saying to yourself, “I’ll do it now.” Then, start right away. Almost immediately, you’ll feel less stressed and more confident in your ability to get things done.
Success Tip: Never put off until tomorrow what you should do today, for tomorrow never comes. Do it now.
yes thanks: physically we can do it
Procrastination undoubtedly is the number one killer of dreams and ambitions.
-It is the main cause of unbelievable mediocrity in high places.
-It wars and fights the ‘can do spirit’.
-It carries the banner ‘NO WE CANT’
-It must not just be kept at arm’s length but should not be tolerated around us.