The Winding River: A story about leadership and vision.
Success Articles
Hundreds of quality, unique articles, quotes, and ideas to help you be your best. These resources are all free to use and enjoy. We invite you to browse, read, print, and share these resources with your friends and family.
Using 3rd Parties to Build Credibility
By integrating specific 3rd party content within your presentation you can create the same level of trust and credibility that you get with a referral. By properly using third party during canvassing, presenting, closing and handling objections will ensure you achieve a high closing ratio.
Collaborative Negotiating – Your Future Business Depends On It
Making a profit is something that is very, very important for a business. If a business is not making a profit then it is forced to shut down because of a lack of income. This is why sales are so important in order for a business to stay afloat and make a profit. However, buying right is just as important as selling right, but most people never think about this side of the business.
Get Ready. Get Set.
We all have opportunities that come our way. The question is whether you and I will be prepared to take advantage of those opportunities when they arise, or whether we will say, “I wish I had prepared better.” Here are four areas of preparation you can begin now
10 Mistakes in a Recession
Recessions cause the economy to contract and make it more difficult for people to do business. What we are experiencing at this time cause people to respond in a similar manner, reacting to economic contraction with more contraction. While it may be a normal reaction to contract at this time it only guarantees that you will be smaller when this is all over.
Renewal and New Beginnings
As the dead of winter gives way to the renewed life of spring, nature begins a new season of growth and prosperity. If you have experienced disappointments and heartache in your life, just remember that you too can begin again, the past is over and done with, you can make a fresh start and become a new creature — the one you were meant to be.
Price is always a very sensitive issue, especially during times of contraction when money is tight; consumers are scared and more selective with their money. The first response (incorrectly) is to reduce price in order to make up for less volume. It is a myth that a lower price will sell your product and in fact, a formula for disaster and guarantee of failure for most.
Wisdom: Learning How to Live Smart
Wisdom is learning how to “live smart”, and it will always be just that! And since the issues which we have to deal with don’t change – growing, relating, emoting, working, parenting, etc. – how to successfully deal with all of these facets of our lives also remains constant.
Get Moving!
Oprah Winfrey tells of her struggle with weight and her commitment to get on a regular exercise program. Learn five easy steps to help you get moving and keep moving.
Weight Management – Part Two
Changing your lifestyle patterns is tantamount to changing your religion. There is not a single stitch in the fabric of your life that will not be effected by losing a significant amount of weight. The way you think and feel about yourself, the way others respond to you and the choices that are available to you are now all different. Therefore, developing the skills to cope with all of this is no easy matter. You need to think about these issues on this level in order to succeed.
Use the File-Act-Toss System to Help Make Decisions about Paper Retention
There are only three things you can do with incoming paper. The File-Act-Toss System gives you step-by-step directions so that you can decide what to do with all your paperwork.
The Attitude of Champions
What makes a champion different from the average person? The difference is that the champion keeps trying when the average person quits–his attitude drives him on. He refuses to consider the possibility of quitting because he is so totally convinced that success is imminent. Learn from the examples of baseball greats Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron.
Gratitude: A Key to Success and Happiness
Learn to foster the attitude of gratitude with the amazing story of Helen Keller. Although it often seems that other’s have it easy compared with our own problems, the truth is that everyone on this planet will have challenges, heartbreaks, and obstacles at one time or another. You can regain hope and confidence by garnishing your daily thoughts with thanksgiving and gratitude for what you have.
Retirement Will Kill You!!!!
I was on a plane with Academy award winning actor Ernest Borgnine, 93 years old, (202 movies to his credit) as he was on his way to Toronto to shoot a movie with Bruce Willis. We got into a conversation about work and retirement and he said, “retirement will kill you, work gives you purpose.”
How to Get Up, When You’re Feeling Down
We all feel down once in a while. Choose the happy path. Follow these 5 simple ideas and watch your attitude (and your altitude) soar!
Training Your Sales Team
While it is agreed that training can improve the production results of a company there is no shortage of companies and executives that question the return on investment (ROI). Before you calculate the cost of training you should calculate the cost of mishandling opportunities that result from not training your people.
Brainwave Frequencies
90 percent of people use 20 cycles per second to think (Beta brainwave level), and 10 percent use 10 cycles per second (Alpha). I wanted to know, Which is the better of the two? Which level is strongest? My research found that 10 is stronger and more synchronized than 20. Imagine, 10 cycles (Alpha) is the best place to think, yet 90 percent of the people are doing their thinking on 20 (Beta)!
Brainware: The Resource Of The 21st Century
The key resource of the Industrial Age was physical energy, both of machines and humans. In the Information Age of the 21st century, the key resource will be mental energy. Learn how to make the most of the power you have.
Zest for Life
On April 26, 2003, a lone hiker became trapped in the rugged mountains of Southern Utah. Trapped under a bolder for 5 days and facing death, Aaron Ralston of Aspen Colorado was willing to cut off his own arm so that he could continue living. Do you have that same passion for your own life?
Finding Wisdom in an Otherwise Confusing World
I love simplicity; it has a certain unappreciated elegance. Simplicity, like modesty and subtlety are words this culture tends to ignore; yet, they are wonderful concepts. And these articles are my vehicle for using simplicity as the foundation for practical learning.
How to Return to an Organized Office Stress Free After Vacation
This article gives you two checklists to use to manage organizing your office before you go on vacation and what to do when you return.
The Sweet Smell Of Independence
Break free of the bondage of being an employee by striving to find your own path to independence in today’s commerce.
Designing the Perfect Script
Part of prospecting or designing any sales presentation includes designing the Perfect Script. Although you may have concerns about sounding too “scripted”, this is not the case at all as having a script allows you to sound natural. The main reason for losing control and not sounding natural is not having a script.
The Value of Values
The values of your business are the things that matter most to it. When all else fails, these are the things that will see you through tough times. Read why in this article.
Sales Training: All Oganizations Must Shift Focus Now
We are now in an economy where all the energies and efforts of the organization have to be focused on selling, sales and sales training. You are in serious trouble if you don’t like the ‘S’ word. Marketing, advertising, organizing, planning will not get you through this business cycle; selling products and services is the critical make break point of every organization in today’s economy!
Presentation Checklist
This Presentation Checklist is the perfect tool to use before and after your presentations. It incorporates all the Fundamentals of Selling and ensures that you use them in all of your presentations.
My Way of Life
This information has been distilled from the most up-to-date and trustworthy sources in diet, nutrition, and weight loss. It’s my personal, long-term way of life, not a diet. The program promotes a balanced approach in three key areas: attitude & behavior modification, proper nutrition, and physical activity.
You Decide
William Ernest Henley wrote the poem “Invictus” which means unconquered. The essence of the message is that no matter what happens to you, you get to decide how you will respond and react. You get to decide what you will do tomorrow and the next day. You get to choose your attitude; you decide what your goals will be and whether you will continue to strive or give up. You are the master of your own fate.
Practice Persistence
The question is not whether we will be knocked down, pushed aside, or treated unfairly — that happens to all of us, it’s life. The question is whether or not we will have the courage to get up and fight on. The old saying is still true “the race is not always to the swift . . . but to those who keep on trying.”
Coaching in Business
Managers at all levels in organizations should act as coaches. Isn’t this the business equivalent of saying that politicians should act as statesmen? Coaching is a process where individuals (managers, team leaders or colleagues) provide employees with steady, constructive feedback and suggestions to help them improve their performance and attain their personal goals.