Canvassing for new contacts is one of the most important activities you will engage in as a sales professional. Use these 15 golden rules to help build confidence and get stronger so that you can book more appointments. Canvassing not only builds momentum, but also creates something from nothing and this is always a very empowering process.
Success Articles
Hundreds of quality, unique articles, quotes, and ideas to help you be your best. These resources are all free to use and enjoy. We invite you to browse, read, print, and share these resources with your friends and family.
The Refining Process
Just as a river smooths and refines jagged rocks into smooth stones, our challenges and life struggles act like sand paper, smoothing our weaknesses, honing our skills, and polishing our personality until we are transformed into something better than we could ever have become on our own.
The Game Changer
You can no longer afford the “business as usual” attitude as this is not busness as usual and extreme times require extreme actions! The current economic condition is a serious ‘game changer’ and this article is designed to show you how to take advantage of the changed game.
How to Save Time and Money by Getting Organized
Learn how to stay lean and mean in this economy. This article talks about the effects of disorganization and gives suggestions for saving time and money by getting organized.
Getting Over the Jitters Before You Speak
You’re waiting your turn to make a speech, when suddenly you realize that your stomach is doing strange things and your mind is rapidly going blank. How do you handle this critical time period? Some tips on public speaking and nervousness…
Say Yes to Life
This past week I was reminded of one of the most important lessons in all of life; in order to live life you have to say yes to life!
Plan to Grow Rich? Americans’ Success Strategies Analyzed
An optimistic one-third of all Americans believe that they will one day become “rich,” but that’s about where they stop agreeing. Here’s a breakdown of several success strategies that Americans believe in, and how they stack up against the statistics.
Emails and Text Messages are Killing Your Chance at Success
Businesses and individuals are becoming overly dependent upon emails and text messaging, incorrectly replacing phone calls and personal visits with emails, texting and communications sent over the internet. Your reliance on electronic communication is killing your chance of creating success.
Getting Rid of Mental Clutter
Find out how to organize information that is in your head and get rid of mental clutter.
Sales Training Critical During Recession
Sales training and sales effectiveness are now critical to businesses, especially during recessions and even more so now that it can no longer rely on the gimmicks it had become dependent upon. The major components that businesses have relied on for their success over the last decade —
Go Green!
What are your core beliefs and values? Are they hidden under the cacoon of your daily grind?
Learn to Be Calm
As our society becomes more and more turbulent, we need to take time to be calm, to be quiet, to cultivate peace. You can learn to be calm by cultivating personal solitude and peace in a troubled world.
Shortcuts Will Not Work In This Environment!
You are no longer in the business that you thought you were in. The entire playing field and all its rules have changed. Quit thinking you are in whatever you call your business, because now for the first time in the past 10 years the business you are in is not responding to the actions that worked just last year. You and your team have to go back to the basics of creating your business, not just doing business.
How To Do Automatic Writing
Even the greatest creative minds experience blocks at one time or another. Here is a simple yet powerful method to get those creative juices flowing once more.
Ready, Aim, Focus!
Accepting our inner beauty when paired with imperfection.
Crazy, man!
What are the boundaries that encase our thoughts, and who made them? If you catch yourself squelching a random “crazy” thought, just turn it right around and ask “yes, but IS it nuts??” And then give yourself the freedom to explore!
How to Fire Up Your Team, But Not Burn Them Out!
A shaky economic climate not only affects consumer confidence, it can also negatively impact employee morale and productivity. Negative economic news, layoffs, internal cutbacks – all whittle away at your team’s confidence and erode their productivity. And, when times are tough, you simply can’t afford to have declining productivity. Motivating employees takes time and effort, but it can also yield increased productivity and a more pleasant work environment. Here are 7 quick-tips to help you fire up your team but not burn them out.
12 Tips to Getting a Job in any Market
With almost 16 million people out of work, more and more people are finding themselves having to figure out how to land a job in a market where more jobs are being lost each day. Finding a job in this environment is the toughest it has been in 50-years, so you better have your best game on to do so. While many will tell you that “no one is hiring”, apply the tips in this article exactly as they are written and I assure you that you will not just get a job, but get the job you want!
Coming Home
Examine each of the beliefs that you espouse on a regular basis. Ask yourself if it is your true belief or if you are simply nodding without thought. Eventually you will discover beauty of being at peace with your beliefs.
Tips for Creating Wealth
You will probably not win the lottery, create the next Google or be entitled to a significant inheritance. Most of us can not just go out into the marketplace and double our income overnight or find a million dollars. Whether a person builds substantial wealth in their lifetime is left up to the decisions they make and the actions they take. Anyone can achieve their financial goals if they have a plan, use discipline in executing that plan and take actions in accordance with a financial destination.
Sales-Driven, not Market-Driven
Cutting price is never a long time survival for any company, it’s just a lazy way to do business. First, it doesn’t make up for loss volumes, and secondly, it can actually unnecessarily depreciate the value of your product. Even cost cutting can’t keep up with cutting price and volumes, the math just doesn’t work!
The Power of Publicity
Like it or not, the new media of Social Networking is an undeniable force in the world today. What are you going to do to get in the flow? Every business owner or CEO should stop shrugging their shoulders and changing the subject when it comes to the power of social networking to create publicity.
Two Stumps
The stumps were dead. Chopped down long ago, burned to the ground. They are dead, right?…
Success Despite Economy!
There are great advantages to periods of economic contraction and once you know the secrets of exploiting those, you will expand and conquer while others shrink and submit. Many of the economists, pundits, and media talking-heads are predicting doom and gloom, end of the world scenarios, with their 24 hours a day-round-the-clock ranting and raving only focused on the problem and who is to blame, without offering much in the way of any solution as to what you can to survive and prosper.
Communication Tools
In spite of the recent boom in communication technology, our interpersonal communication skills seem a little lacking. Experts tell us that only 15% of communication is the words that we use. 85% of the meaning, therefore, comes from our tone, manner, posture, eye movement, gestures and inflection. Here are some tips…
Never Handle a Contraction with Contraction
Americans are being made to believe that their financial survival is based solely on what they can save by the so-called financial experts. This is ridiculously incorrect and limited advice and will only cause you more damage. Your financial condition cannot improve by retreating and can only be improved by advancing your production lines.
Integrity, Who… ME?
Integrity is a buzz word in lots of business communities at the moment. Where does integrity begin and end? The boundaries are larger than you think!
Pay Attention to the Small Things
All of us focus on the bigger things — and well we should. But oftentimes, the small details do not get the attention they deserve. After all, bit things are nothing more than the accumulation of small things. It stands to reason, therefore, that small details make big things happen.
Do Something Spectacular!
His teachers said he was “too stupid to learn anything.” and was fired from his first two jobs for being “non-productive.” Thomas Edison’s 1000 inventions came during the Panic of 1873 — 6 years — and the Long Depression — 23 years.
If You Want to Succeed, Get Into Action
Success is not for the timid. It is for those who seek guidance, make decisions, and take decisive action. To achieve success you must take appropriate action, for wishing does not make it so. Proper programming, coupled with appropriate action, makes things happen.