What’s the most important factor in your success? Well, no, it’s not money, or luck, or talent. Find out why Attitude comes to exactly 100% of your success.
Success Articles
Hundreds of quality, unique articles, quotes, and ideas to help you be your best. These resources are all free to use and enjoy. We invite you to browse, read, print, and share these resources with your friends and family.
Walking or Jogging for Health
Your vocabulary can help you be successful in your weight loss and fitness goals – pay attention to what you say!
Easy Ways to Create Paper and Electronic Files
This article tells you how to create paper and electronic files using main and sub categories, color coding, and a one keyword search feature.
How to Enjoy the Holidays AND Stay Thin
It is a time dotted with family parties, community traditions, celebrations in the work place, and lots of food. It is a fun, festive time of year. But, it can also be a perilous time for those who are trying to watch their weight. Research shows that people actually accumulate a large proportion of their yearly weight gain over the winter holiday season. It’s clear that we need pay attention to this issue. But, can we still enjoy the holidays while watching our weight? Here are simple 8 tips that will help you to safely navigate the holidays while maintaining a healthy weight.
Sales Jobs at Top of Recession-Proof Jobs
According to Forbes Magazine, sales jobs are among the top most recession-proof jobs. While you may dislike the idea of selling, learn to sell and you will never be without work and never without money–no matter how bad the economy gets
How to Deliver Bad News and Still Look Good
In every association executive’s life the day will come when you must deliver bad news. But whoever is on the receiving end of the message, the way you deliver the news can determine how the messenger (you) is treated.
Stimulate Your Mind
When saturated with fresh ideas and stimulated by mental exercise, our minds become sharp and alert; we are able to more effectively analyze situations and invent solutions; our creativity soars; we are more interesting companions; our productivity improves; and, like my tree, we are able to thrive in spite of the challenges of life.
Achieving Success In The 21st Century
Learn the “New Rules of Engagement” for a new era of commerce for sustainable success that will guide you through the current economic and emotional time.
What’s Stopping You?
Everyone has dreams but few people make them come true. New Business Mentor, Leah Grant, outlines the typical excuses people make and how to defeat them so that you can make your dreams come true.
How to Break the Addiction to Post-it Notes
Find out how to be productive without the visual clutter of post-it notes.
Words can change everything—from our emotions and perceptions, to our actions. Word choice can help you communicate effectively, or not. If we pay attention to the words we use, it will make a big difference in our attitude and our ability to communicate effectively.
Yes, There Is A Short-Cut To Success!
The Sustainable Succes Coach, Linda Zander, will teach you the untapped strategies for success in today’s market that will help you create sustainable success in all areas of your life.
Sales Organizations Forced to Change
The past couple of years have been very challenging on all businesses and especially sales organizations. The convergence of a shrinking economy, a more cautious customer combined with an ever expanding internet and increased competition causes the most successful of sales organizations to be challenged.
Motivated to Action
Have you ever had a time in your life when you just couldn’t get motivated? You knew what you wanted to do, you had the desire, but you just couldn’t get motivated to take the first step. When your get-up-and-go has gone and you find it difficult to get motivated to take action, consider this — you may be going about it all wrong.
Blame Wastes Energy and Makes Us Slaves
Blame is the energy that makes us slaves and guarantees to worsen your conditions. Now is the time to use all your energy and resources to sell yourself and/or your products and services and quit blaming, accusing, and criticizing. Blame ultimately makes slaves, not masters and cannot change the condition of your business, your finances or make your more desirable in the marketplace.
Consumer Confidence Will Be Restored When Abilities Are!
The lack of confidence in the marketplace today is not because of a failing economy but because individuals lack confidence in their own abilities to produce without artificial stimulus. Confidence and security come only as a result of a person’s confidence in their own abilities and skills.
5 Keys to Starting an Online Business
Recently I received an email from a college student asking for advice on starting a successful online business. Here are my top 5 keys to starting an online business:
Economy is Problematic, Not the Problem
While the economy is problematic it is not ‘the’ problem. If you identify the economy as the problem you will never find the solution. The problem today is businesses have become unable to sell their products without the aid of incentives, easy credit and free money. Sales is the name of the game again and must be relearned from the CEO to the sales teams.
How To Generate Original Creative Ideas On Any Subject
Random Word Stimulation is a powerful technique that provides a practical method of accessing your subconscious mind and utilize the wealth of information it contains to generate fresh new original ideas.
The Success Equation And The Seven Myths About Manifesting Abundance
Learn the simple truth, from The Sustainable Success Coach, about manifesting abundance that the “Gurus” have failed to tell you.
The Arithmetic of Positive Belief
When we have a positive belief that something CAN be achieved, we unleash all of our creative ability and energy towards discovering solutions to make it happen. If setbacks, challenges or discouragement come our way, as they always do, our positive belief keeps us on track and encourages us to put forth maximum effort. It is those who keep going, who keep trying, who dream and create and work and believe, who eventually achieve
What Gets in the Way of Getting Organized?
This article focuses on three areas of self-assessment to determine why you avoid getting organized.
Activate Your Own Successful Stimulus Recovery Plan
Learn how to create your own successful stimulus plan with essential ingredients you already have within you.
Economic Recovery Stages
During periods of major loss, including severe economic changes, individuals (and businesses) must go through a number of stages in response to the loss or change. Each of the stages must be fully experienced in order to recover, and the speed at which you move through each of them will determine how soon and to what degree you recover.
The Masterpiece – Inspirational Video
Every once in a while, something comes along that truly inspires and motivates. Today, we’d like to share one with you, absolutely free. This 4-minute video captures the essence of positive expectation and accomplishment. It takes up to 30 seconds to load — but it is definitely worth the wait. Why not take 5 minutes right now, sit back, relax, turn up your volume and enjoy… The Masterpiece.
7 Steps to Effective Speaking
Speaking is one of your most critical assets to getting yourself, your company and your ideas into the marketplace. The more persuasive and effective your speaking skills the more effective you will be. Here are seven tips I have learned over 30 years of speaking to audiences all over the world that I guarantee will make a difference for you.
5 Characteristics of a Professional
The future belongs to the competent. We need to be multifaceted in our competence and become charismatic communicators with technical competence and excellent people skills, especially in negotiating. This means developing the habit of learning everywhere, every day. Take the initiative. Go meet people who perhaps don’t look like you or think like you. I[Read More]
Speed and Power
Occasionally, the events of the day tap into some universal truths about the human psyche. One such event occurred during the July 4th weekend when, in the midst of the country’s yearly celebration and the death of Michael Jackson, Sarah Palin announced that she was quitting as Governor or Alaska. Her leaving office so quickly after the election with two years left in her term begs the question, what universal truth could possibility by associated with Sarah Palin’s behavior? The answer is: the speed and power of speed and power.
What Michael Jackson Taught Me
Michael Jackson has a lot more to teach the world than how to moon-walk and I learned a great deal from watching this guy create his career over my lifetime. His commitment to greatness at his trade, his willingness to persist despite adversity and the genius level at which he performed are things that would benefit all of us.
How to Stay Organized
Learn how to stay organized once you have commited to an organizing project in your home or office.