We truly live in amazing times but there’s a lot of bad news going around. The mistake people make is assuming that what is on the news is all the news there is. Not true. There are plenty of amazing, wonderful, positive things going on if we’ll just watch for them. True heroes refuse to be simply swept along with the tide of pessimism. Instead, they see opportunities, bolster hope, and provide vision.
Success Articles
Hundreds of quality, unique articles, quotes, and ideas to help you be your best. These resources are all free to use and enjoy. We invite you to browse, read, print, and share these resources with your friends and family.
Something To Think About
The importance of controlling the outside influences and being cautious about what we allow to go into our mind.
Word Meaning Does Change
The meaning of words can change over time. A look at 2 words that have changed.
Just Be
With all of the things you are expected to be, it’s a good idea to set them aside once in a while to just be–just celebrate the fact that you exist and have infinite worth.
Fabulous De-Stressing Tips
Everyone knows that stress can kill but what they don’t know is that stress can be easily reduced or eliminated. Author and professional speaker Sandra Smith offers three action steps you can take today to reduce the stress in your life.
Perk Up Your Mind
After 10 years, our message to Perk Up Your Mind is more relevant and critical than ever before. Boosting your attitude is not easy. It takes work. But, it can completely change your life. Here are 5 sure-fire steps to perk up your mind and your life.
Raising Positive Kids
Tips to help you raise positive kids in a negative world.
Listen Up
Conversations that are based on solid listening skills not only result in more effective communication, they foster trust, improve relationships and are more likely to be followed up with action. Here are 5 tips to improve your listening skills.
5 Tips for Smarter Money – Without Sacrificing Lifestyle
A Wales man actually built a hobbit hole with nothing stronger than a chainsaw and lived in it… for $4,200. Further, it’s completely sustainable environmentally
Be Quiet
Take 15 minutes a day to be quiet. Find a peaceful place where you can be alone. Turn off all electronics and just enjoy being with yourself. Listen to your inner voice and cultivate peace in your life. Bring a pad and pencil to jot down the ideas and thoughts that come to you. Then, jump back into life, refreshed, invigorated, and prepared to take on the day.
Get Organized!
Get organized by creating a vision for your life, then arranging everything in your life to support and create that vision.
Science of Mind Control
Mind Control expert and founder of the Silva Method, Jose Silva, clarifies and defines such concepts as meditation, concentration, problem solving, receiving guidance, and learning to prosper.
Prosperity on a Spiritual Foundation
Mind Control expert and founder of the Silva Method, Jose Silva, clarifies and defines such concepts as meditation, concentration, problem solving, receiving guidance, and learning to prosper.
Are You Smart Enough?
When you feel intellectually inferior, as we all do at times, change your focus to how you choose to apply and use your natural intelligence. Do you read and study, or do you waste time on mind numbing activities. Do you create or do you tear down? Do you take positive action, or do you over-analyze and thus paralyze your progress?
10 Proven Rules for Sales Success
Here are twelve simple, career-changing pieces of advice I have been sharing for years with salespeople. The list, which is the culmination of over a quarter of a century of experience, may be brief … but I’ve noticed that those who follow all twelve rules always seem to out-earn those who don’t.
Making the Ball Bounce Your Way
Motivational article about how to turn negative events into positive outcomes.
Quit Now, Before You Get Fired!
If you want to hold on to your job, you should quit. That is, quit complaining, quit worrying, quit wasting time, quit spreading bad news, and quit holding back.
Selling Starts, Recession Ends!
The so-called Great Recession, the longest and deepest since the Great Depression, may be over but you won’t feel relief unless you and your company are able to sell your products and services. Businesses and individuals may find relief in the idea that the Recession is finally ending, but trust me, you won’t feel any relief in how the market responds to your products and services unless you master selling, building the value-add propositions and closing the deal.
Visualize Your Plan
If you will take the next step and visualize exactly how it will look, and feel, when you reach your goals–if you will describe in detail, in writing, how it will look, perhaps even make a detailed drawing or find a picture that reminds you of your goal–you will have taken a major step toward achieving your goals.
Time Management: A New Approach From Ancient Greece!
If you’ve been on time management courses and found they don’t work, then here’s something that will surprise you. A time management system that does work! This system requires no work from you. In fact, it’s sometimes called the natural time management system. Just read this article to find out why.
Build a Relationship of Trust
Communication is critical to our success in every area of life. We often think of communicating simply as transferring information. But, it is so much more. Communication is also a transfer of feelings and emotion–a meeting of two souls. This is why two people can say the same sentence to you and have it mean two entirely different things. More than the words, what really transfers meaning is the nature of the relationship and the level of trust in that relationship.
Sales Meetings that Motivate
The purpose of a sales meeting is to motivate your people and get them prepared to focus on selling.
Work Will Win
In the world of athletics, there is a work ethic that has become all but extinct in the business community. Work means disciplining yourself to spend the time, focus your attention, exert all the effort you can, and stick with it. Those who do so will learn to love their work and to crave the satisfaction of a job well done.
Three Tips for Spring Cleaning the Office
Learn three tips to organize your office so that you can be more productive.
Take Charge of Your Life
Today, millions of people walk around incarcerated in their own personal jails called addictions. These people are addicted to substances (such as alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, or even caffeine) or to behaviors (such as gambling, porn, overeating, or too much TV) which rob them of time, money, and control.
The Window of Opportunity
Seize the opportunities when they come. To do that with success you must prepare before the opportunity presents itself.
Does Success Change You?
Imagine this scenario… You spend years working hard to succeed. During these years, you have some success, mixed with lots of false starts. But you never really reach the level of success you dream of. And then something shifts. Everything begins to work, and your fame and fortune take off…
Don’t Bother Setting Goals
Setting goals and working towards them often will be a frustrating exercise until one is truly motivated for self improvement and has cleared out any major conflicting intentions and beliefs. When you’re self motivated and not in conflict, you’ll reach your goals faster and easier than you ever thought possible.
Attitude: The Gold In Your Bank
What’s the most important factor in your success? Well, no, it’s not money, or luck, or talent. Find out why Attitude comes to exactly 100% of your success.
Looking for Greener Grass?
When things get difficult, we tend to look at other people or other companies and assume that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. When viewed from a distance, their opportunities often look richer, their problems seem fewer, and success looks easier. The temptation is to run here and there looking for better, easier opportunities. We sometimes wistfully look at other companies or industries and wish things were that easy for us. But, it is often an illusion.