Mind Control expert and founder of the Silva Method, Jose Silva, clarifies and defines such concepts as meditation, concentration, problem solving, receiving guidance, and learning to prosper.
Prosperity on a Spiritual Foundation
Mind Control expert and founder of the Silva Method, Jose Silva, clarifies and defines such concepts as meditation, concentration, problem solving, receiving guidance, and learning to prosper.
Pay Attention to the Small Things
All of us focus on the bigger things — and well we should. But oftentimes, the small details do not get the attention they deserve. After all, bit things are nothing more than the accumulation of small things. It stands to reason, therefore, that small details make big things happen.
If You Want to Succeed, Get Into Action
Success is not for the timid. It is for those who seek guidance, make decisions, and take decisive action. To achieve success you must take appropriate action, for wishing does not make it so. Proper programming, coupled with appropriate action, makes things happen.
Visualization and Imagination
A lecture on visualization and imagination using both left brain and right brain techniques. Jose Silva is recognized as the leading researcher in the world in the field of the mind and human potential.
Brainwave Frequencies
90 percent of people use 20 cycles per second to think (Beta brainwave level), and 10 percent use 10 cycles per second (Alpha). I wanted to know, Which is the better of the two? Which level is strongest? My research found that 10 is stronger and more synchronized than 20. Imagine, 10 cycles (Alpha) is the best place to think, yet 90 percent of the people are doing their thinking on 20 (Beta)!