This Presentation Checklist is the perfect tool to use before and after your presentations. It incorporates all the Fundamentals of Selling and ensures that you use them in all of your presentations.
- I am constantly visualizing my goals and am prepared for my day of prospecting and selling.
- I listened to Sales Superstar in the morning and prepared for a Superstar day.
- I made sure I was in a positive, high-energy, yet relaxed and confident state as I started my first presentation of the day.
- I dressed appropriately today, taking care to represent my company professionally, always appearing before my prospects well-groomed and in clean, respectful clothing.
- I did not pre-judge any client and stayed committed to presenting with the opportunity my product or service promises.
- I created a high level of rapport and put my client at ease while making him/her feel special; this continued throughout the presentation as I continued to build the Emotional Bank Account.
- I took control early in my presentation and maintained it throughout, creating high levels of Rapport, powerful Body Language and Energy Levels.
- I used third party references early and often in my presentation, describing others who had chosen my products or services recently and I continually used the phrase, “That’s why everybody’s doing it.”
- I used assumption throughout the presentation to “paint pictures” as if the prospect had already purchased and was experiencing the product or service.
- I used powerful, relaxed body language and “squared” in on my prospect in a confident, non-threatening way.
- I had all my sales materials within easy viewing distance of my client.
- I spoke clearly, but at a faster than normal speed.
- I consciously created a sense of urgency by utilizing assumption, third party mentions, excited tonality and powerful body language.
- I worked for my order by making certain that my prospects today understood all the benefits of our products and services before launching into the final value summary and close. If I received objections, I continued to work for the order by recreating Need.
- I built value early and often in my presentation by stating a monetary value that far exceeded the price of my offer. I also provided as many benefits as possible so the perceived value far exceeded the price.
- I used mini closes as I moved through the written summary.
- I made sure that the sacred paperwork was available and handy as I approached the moment of truth.
- I broke eye contact and assumed the close, making certain that I did not ask a closing question that ended in a yes or no.
- I immediately went back to Rapport as I assumed the sale and began to fill out the paperwork.
- If I received objections, I handled the objections smoothly without becoming discouraged or frustrated, and did not show either in my body language.
- I made certain that I always used every last close in every presentation as I know that the promise of a callback often leads to disappointment and a life left unchanged.
- I spent a few moments of additional Rapport after completing the sale.
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I loved this checklist. I thought it really encompassed a lot of ideas in one place.