Our lives are so arranged today that we seldom have a moment to collect our thoughts. Between the demands of work, family, and social activities, little time remains for personal contemplation. And, even when free moments do arise, we often fill the time with television, or music, or magazines. There is nothing necessarily wrong with these activities, but they can rob us of a great treasure–moments of quiet solitude.
As our society becomes more and more turbulent, we need to take time to be calm, to be quiet, to cultivate peace. Think about it, how can we ever hope to achieve lasting world peace, if we cannot even bring a few moments of peace into our own individual lives? Why not take 15 minutes a day to tap into your inner reservoir of peace. You don’t have to be sitting in a quiet room or walking in the woods to do this. Just retreat into your soul. Open your heart to your creator; listen to your breathing; shut out the surrounding noise, for just a moment.
Imagine that your life is a large clear lake. Our busy environment is as wind on the surface making it choppy and violent. We race here and there–running errands, paying bills, answering the phone, picking up the kids, interacting with friends and co-workers. The surface of our lake boils with the activities and emotions of the day. But, no matter how turbulent the lake of your life becomes, just a few feet below the surface, there is a great calm.
Have you ever been to a neighborhood swimming pool filled with boisterous children and adults? The sound of yelling and laughing is everywhere. Water splashes and the surface is choppy. But, dive a few feet into the pool and, suddenly, all is quiet. The water is peaceful, calm.
You have that same kind of reservoir inside your soul. No matter how busy and tumultuous your life is, you can retreat for a few moments into a place of calm peace. By cultivating this place in your soul daily–whether you call it meditation, or prayer, or quiet solitude–you will find that a feeling of calm serenity will begin to permeate your daily activities. I challenge you to make time for these moments–you deserve it.
I am chop of with too many activities. But i am inspired reading this. I want to be calm in the place of Turbulent. I av learnt it pays a lot
This article is so true…thanks for sharing it.
I like reading motivational material, especially something in the Bible. I do love to walk, especially where there are trees, mountains, nature. Walking clears my mind and lifts my spirit.
I loved this article. Thank you for your wonderful words on learning to being calm. I believe we can inculcate this wonderful practice amidst our busy and sometimes hectic life.
Thank you very much, for the article. I plan to share it with my fellow coworkers we sometimes forget.
James-American Eagle Airlines